Saturday, October 18, 2014

Picking the Right Lock

Computer security is one of my interests and rightly so given that so much of our valuable information is now in electronic form. Moreover, we store more and more of this information not on our personally owned computers but on cloud-accessed computers offered by the likes of Dropbox and its ilk.

With that said, all security measures start with the most fundamental: physical security. It is the security that prevents unauthorized physical access to your valuables. In addition to padlocks and chains, physical security includes doors and windows. When you leave your computer unattended in public or semi-public areas, you would and should lock it down with a security cable anchored to something immovable like a desk. This cable is shackled with a padlock. Unfortunately, the majority of the consumer padlocks out there can be picked by someone with minimal skills and simple handheld tools. These thieves do not even need a bolt cutter to cut the shackles of locks.

An informative Youtube channel called bosnianbill with over 600 videos about locks is worth checking out. I didn't know this is such a fertile field to have over 600 videos about it. You can easily kill a day's worth of time watching these videos, but if you are short on time, the one I recommend to watch is below. 

This Youtuber has a great dislike of Master locks and makes it clear every chance he gets. Over and over, he shows that he can pick these Master locks within seconds with two simple pieces of tools. Unfortunately, master locks are very popular out there in the US. If you want to secure your valuables and use Master locks, after watching a few of these anti-Master lock videos, I think you will replace them with something else mentioned in the recommended video.

Viewers from around the world would send bosnianbill, challenging him to pick them. Some of the locks are just amazing, attesting to the creativity of the human mind. The weirdest lock is the one seen in the video below:

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