Thursday, March 17, 2016

Register a Roku Account Without A Credit Card

It is silly at best to have to give Roku a credit card number before you can register an account with it. I mean not everyone will pay for the premium channels. They have already purchased the box already. The rationale for putting a credit on file with Roku is when you do want to get a paid channel or access paid content, there is no need to whip out your credit card and charge it.

Before you start up the device, go to the Roku website and register for a free Roku account. This is the account that you use to activate your Roku device using the Roku remote control and navigating through the Roku menu on the TV that the Roku box is attached to.

Here is the link where you would create an account without having to use your credit card.

NOCC obviously means "no credit card"

Fill out the information like you would normally. Once you have reached the payment method, scroll down and click on Skip, I’ll add later.

If this "Skip" option is not visible, the only lest to do is strike up a chat connection with Roku at

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